Umelusi ugqoke isembozo sekhanda esibomvu, ijazi elimpunga eliluhlonzi, futhi uphulula iwundlu emhlophe. Ngemuva kwabo kunezimvu, amagquma namahlathi.
Umelusi ugqoke isembozo sekhanda esibomvu, ijazi elimpunga eliluhlonzi, futhi uphulula iwundlu emhlophe. Ngemuva kwabo kunezimvu, amagquma namahlathi.

Help house survivors of the Türkiye and Syria earthquakes

Abasindile nabezimo eziphuthumayo badinga izindlu zesikhashana. Kuzokhishwa imali elingana neyomnikelo wonke kuze kufike engqikithini engu-$ 5 million USD, ukuphinda kabili ithonya lakho.
Owesilisa onezinwele ezimnyama namadevu wanga unina ngemfudumalo, onezinwele ezimfushane ezimpofu. Basekhishi elifiphele.

Umnikelo wakho uzophindwa kabili

100% of your donation goes directly to connecting impacted people with free, temporary housing in this and other crises.

Donations will be matched up to $5 million USD total, doubling your impact.

Nikeza indawo yokuhlala

If you are able to offer a place in Türkiye, you can list it for earthquake survivors and relief workers through
Vula i-akhawunti

Nikeza indawo yokuhlala

Vula i-akhawunti
If you are able to offer a place in Türkiye, you can list it for earthquake survivors and relief workers through
Abantu ababili abagqoke amavesti aphuzi akhanyayo balalele umuntu ogqoke isembozo sekhanda esibomvu nejazi elimnyama elinomfonomfo.

Umsebenzi wethu nezinhlangano esibambisene nazo works with nonprofits and governmental entities skilled in local crisis response and direct emergency assistance.

These partners review the eligibility of potential guests and coordinate their temporary stays. doesn’t currently accept requests from individuals for direct emergency assistance.

We support our community regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, or how they identify.

Indlela i-Airbnb enikela ngayo

Airbnb helps fund stays and covers all operating costs for

Airbnb provides Hosts with AirCover, which includes $1 million USD in liability insurance, $3 million USD in damage protection, and more.

Airbnb is waiving Host and guest fees on all stays for survivors and first responders.

Indlela i-Airbnb enikela ngayo

Airbnb helps fund stays and covers all operating costs for

Airbnb provides Hosts with AirCover, which includes $1 million USD in liability insurance, $3 million USD in damage protection, and more.

Airbnb is waiving Host and guest fees on all stays for survivors and first responders.
Izithombe namagama-ncazo kusuka phezulu kuya phansi:
Isithombe ngo-Ali Atmaca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images. Umalusi uphulula iwundlu ngemva kokuba ukuzamazama komhlaba kuhlasele e-Çanakkale, eTurkey ngo-February 2017. Abantu abasinde ekuzamazameni komhlaba beza nsuku zonke ukuze bondle izilwane zabo ezindaweni zasebusika eduze nezindawo zabo zokuhlala ezindala.
Isithombe ngo-Sasha Arutyunova Lesi sithombe sango-2021 sibonisa u-Diego Bermejo nonina, u-Maria Teresa, ababeyizivakashi zoMbungazi ngemva kweSiphepho u-Harvey.
Isithombe ngo-Jon Atwell we-Alight. Izisebenzi ze-Alight zixhumana nabagibeli abehla esitimeleni emngceleni wase-Poland/Ukraine ngo-April 2022.
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© 2024 Wonke amalungelo agodliwe