Ukusikisela kuzoboniswa ngemva kokuthayipha endaweni yokusesha. Sebenzisa imicibisholo ebheke phezulu naphansi ukuze ubuyekeze. Sebenzisa u-enter ukuze ukhethe. Uma okukhethile kungumusho, lowo musho uzothunyelwa ekusesheni. Uma ukusikisela kuyilinki, ibhrawuza izokuya kulelo khasi.
Indlela yokukwenza

Isilinganiso sobusuku sihlukile uma kufakwe izinsuku ezengeziwe

If you submitted a trip change request to your Host and they accepted, your reservation will be updated to reflect the changes at your Host’s current daily rate. As with any hotel or B&B, your Host may have raised (or even lowered, if you’re lucky) the prices since you originally booked your reservation.

Ingabe le athikili ikusizile?

Izihloko ezihlobene

Thola usizo ngokubhukha kwakho, i-akhawunti, nokunye.
Ngena ku-akhawunti noma uvule i-akhawunti