Ukusikisela kuzoboniswa ngemva kokuthayipha endaweni yokusesha. Sebenzisa imicibisholo ebheke phezulu naphansi ukuze ubuyekeze. Sebenzisa u-enter ukuze ukhethe. Uma okukhethile kungumusho, lowo musho uzothunyelwa ekusesheni. Uma ukusikisela kuyilinki, ibhrawuza izokuya kulelo khasi.

Indlela esigcina ngayo i-ID yakho ivikelekile

The safety and security of our community is one of our top priorities. When you provide identification info to Airbnb, it's transmitted using secure encryption—the same process that websites use to transmit credit card numbers.

We immediately store your information in an encrypted form, secured by third-party databases, so you should only have to confirm your identity once.

Airbnb only allows authorized employees to access your original documentation for troubleshooting or internal purposes.

Need more information?

Find out how it works when we verify your ID and check out our Privacy Policy.

Ingabe le athikili ikusizile?

Izihloko ezihlobene

Thola usizo ngokubhukha kwakho, i-akhawunti, nokunye.
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