Izinto ezingavamile ongazenza e-Trentino-South Tyrol

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Konke okwenziwayo eduze ne-Trentino-South Tyrol

Die berühmten Dolomiten live erleben
Vom mediterranen Bozen zu den schönsten Bergen der Welt im UNESCO Weltnaturerbe - den Dolomiten. Du bist nur kurz zu Besuch, willst sie aber unbedingt sehen: die berühmten weißen Berge der Dolomiten. Ich nehme Dich mit zu einer wunderschönen, kurzweiligen Wanderung inmitten des Latemar-Gebietes, mit umwerfendem Panorama, abwechlungsreichen Wegen und Steigen. Komm mit mir und lass Dich verzaubern von den mächtigen Bergen der Dolomiten.
Dolomite Via Ferrata Experience
Are you passionate about mountains and would like to reach more demanding heights? Via Ferrata tracks runs through a rocky terrain equipped with metal stepladder and wires which make the progression easier and fun. From the meeting point we will drive shortly to the parking place; then we will reach the via ferrata by a walking approach. After a quick briefing, about the gear and the safety rules we have to observe, we will learn the correct rope manoovers and climbing techniques enjoying the amazing Dolomites landscape!
Sailing Experience - Discover North Garda Lake
Proponiamo un'esperienza di scuola vela di mezza giornata, costeggiando le suggestive coste settentrionali del Lago di Garda. La partenza è prevista dal porto San Nicolò di Riva del Garda; discenderemo poi lungo le coste occidentali fino alle Cascate del Ponale, dove potrete godere di un bagno rinfrescante. Proseguiremo in direzione sud verso Limone, una cittadina immersa tra le caratteristiche limonaie gialle. Dopo una breve sosta ripartiremo verso le coste veronesi dove svetta il Castello di Malcesine; prima del rientro in porto veleggeremo lungo le ventose spiagge di Navene e Torbole. La flotta a disposizione comprende 5 barche a vela (da 8 m. fino a 11 m.) dotate di ogni comfort e di bagno privato a bordo. In caso di maltempo l'esperienza può essere posticipata in accordo con gli ospiti. Altre cose da tenere a mente: porta con te costume da bagno, crema solare, cappellino e telo mare; in bassa stagione è consigliabile portare guanti, cappellino e giacchettino antipioggia.
Explore Dolomiti, camminando tra le montagne più famose
Le Dolomiti sono le montagne più belle del mondo, uniche nella loro particolarità, per le forme e i colori. Vederle solo dal basso, da un paese o un passo è riduttivo. Il modo migliore per trasformare la tua vacanza in un'esperienza indimenticabile è incamminarsi tra i sentieri che attraversano e salgono le montagne. In questa giornata ti posterò a scoprire i miei sentieri preferiti, lontani dalla folla, nel cuore delle vere Dolomiti. Sarà un'esperienza personalizzabile, così da renderla ancora più indimenticabile, adatta alle tue esigenze. Prepara zaino e scarponi, al resto penso io! Posso venire a prendervi e riportarvi in albergo se soggiornate a Zoldo, Cortina, Belluno, Canazei, Agordo, Alleghe. L'escursione si svolgerà nei dintorni del vostro alloggio. Per altre località scrivetemi un messaggio. Per qualsiasi domanda non esitare a contattarmi!
Degustazione di Prosecco con vista
Andremo a scoprire insieme i luoghi magici da cui nasce il Prosecco Superiore Mani Sagge. Nel Wine Bar della Tenuta, circondati dal paesaggio vivo delle verdi colline, vi spiegherò la nostra filosofia di viticoltori e custodi della bellezza in questi luoghi. Passeggiando fino in cima all’antico colle scopriremo il significato di viticoltura eroica e Prosecco DOCG, ammirando il paesaggio UNESCO. Assaggeremo quindi due tipologie di Prosecco Superiore dell’azienda abbinati a prodotti locali tipici. Altre cose da tenere a mente Scarpe comode. Avvisaci in caso di intolleranze/allergie o speciali richieste alimentari.
Winery tour and organic wine tasting in Trentino
Discover a family owned winery nestled in Valle dei Laghi, a wonderful land in the heart of Trentino South Tyrol, between the Brenta Dolomites – Unesco World Heritage site – and the Garda Lake. The family has been cultivating vineyard and producing wine since 1852, respecting nature and the local terroir, to produce wines that embody the most authentic expression of this land. This is why they chose first biological and then biodynamical cultivation, reducing chemicals to zero and looking for the maximum balance among the vineyard, the ground and the surrounding environment. Tour the winery and the cellar, discovering the production methods and finally cheers with 4 fine wines paired with local delicacies. Get ready to live and amazing experience!
Cheese Tasting in an authentic dairy
We'll meet in the cheese shop of Perenzin Latteria where I'll give you a company presentation in which I'll explain the main activity right from the very first origins. The company has more then 120 years of history! We then move on to the ageing rooms, where are collected a series of historical working tools and where you can enjoy a video that explains the basic aspects of the production processes. You'll discover all the secrets behind every wheel and you'll learn all the steps of the cheesemaking production. We'll then move to the unique "caveau" where hundreds of cheeses are ageing. We'll smell the scent of each cheese and you'll discover the secrets of molds and ageing process. I'm a cheese expert so come with all the curiosity you have and feel free to ask me whatever come to your mind! The second step of our tour consists in a detailed cheese tasting of 4 selected awarded cheeses with a glass of Prosecco DOCG! We'll go through all the aspects of a cheese tasting, from the different colors, to the fragrances and tastes. You'll learn how experts taste and judge cheeses! we are not going to visit the dairy during the cheesemaking process for health and hygiene reasons. THE TOUR DOESN'T INCLUDE THE VISIT OF THE DAIRY FOR HYGIENIC SANITARY REASONS!!!!
Dolomite Rock Climbing Experience
Dolomites are a unique playground for all of those outdoor activities you can do on mountains; climbing especially! Climbing a rock wall utilizing only the strength of your body and a rope for safety: this is the goal of sport climbing. Who can partecipate? Everybody; from the beginner that has never climbed before, and wants to try this activity for the first time, to the expert who wants to improve his climbing technique. From the meeting point we will drive shortly to the parking place; then we will reach the climbing wall by a brief walk. After a quick briefing, about the gear and the safety rules we have to observe, we will learn the correct climbing tecnique enjoying the amazing Dolomites landscape!
Fishing adventure - Dolomites
Together we will go to the best fishing spots looking for many kinds of trouts including the queen of the Alps, the beautiful marble trout. In our waters you can also find char, pike, perch, chub, grayling and much more. You should use spincast or fly rods, or even natural baits are allowed. An experience for both experts and beginners. I will give you a packet lunch ( local products! ) for a full day. We will go fishing surrounded by a beautiful alpine nature, you will make some amazing pics! Other things to note Don't forget a rain jacket and shoes for walking. 200 € is the highest price and it's only for 1 person. 2 people: 150 €/person. 3-4 people: 110 €/person. On the calendar you may see some days starting from for 130 €. That means half day availability.
Storia dell'Olio extra vergine d'oliva
Vi raccontiamo come si fa l'olio extravergine d'oliva presso l'agriturismo Cervano; dalla raccolta, a come accompagnamo i nostri preziosi frutti al frantoio, al risultato finale. Una tradizione di famiglia che vogliamo condividere con voi!
Tenuta Storica del Prosecco Superiore
Ci incontreremo nella Tenuta Mani Sagge di San Pietro di Feletto e vi racconterò la storia dell'azienda, una passione di famiglia da oltre 100 anni. Vedremo insieme la casa rosa del 1600 e le antiche stalle della Tenuta, protagoniste di un grande restauro. Proprio qui abbiamo creato la nuova Cantina Invisibile, il negozio, il Wine Bar con un giardino panoramico mozzafiato sulle colline del Prosecco Superiore e Cinque Camere di Agriturismo. Faremo una passeggiata nei percorsi più belli della Tenuta, scoprendo i vigneti antichi e cosa c'è dietro una bottiglia di Prosecco Superiore. Ammireremo il paesaggio UNESCO dalla cima della collina, dove un tempo c'era un castello, con una vista a 360 gradi. Da qui si vedranno i vigneti, il Castello di Conegliano e le Chiese di Formeniga, San Pietro e Ogliano. Assaggeremo quindi le diverse tipologie di Prosecco Superiore DOCG dell'azienda abbinati a tipici prodotti locali. Scopriremo insieme tutte le caratteristiche dei vini, dai magnifici aromi ai metodi di produzione. Se preferisci fare il tour in giorni diversi da quelli in calendario o hai esigenze particolari, contattami!
Prosecco Hills Wine and Cheese Tasting Tour
Come with us to enjoy a fabulous day trying to catch all the secrets about how the most famous Italian foods and wines are made. Taste them directly where they are produced! Talk with the owners to understand the strong passion and hard work behind such great products. We will start the day visiting a local cheese producer, winner of various prizes for their great cheeses, where you will learn all the secrets of cheese making while taking a nice picture in front of thousand round cheeses while curing. You will taste several cheeses accompanied by delicious Prosecco wine. Then taste some high quality salami and cheese products in a unique location overlooking the beautiful UNESCO Prosecco Hills, while tasting 4 different varieties of sparkling Prosecco wine and admiring endless hills! A well deserved wine tasting experience in a traditional local winery, while learning and appreciating how this precious nectar is made. If you are staying in Venice, you can get the train at 9am from Venezia Santa Lucia train station to Conegliano train station, where I will wait for you, and I will take you back to Conegliano train station to catch the train back to Venice departing at 2.30pm For other departures/cities please do not hesitate to contact me for help in planning your trip at best and I am sure we will have a fantastic day discovering the prosecco hills together!
Walking food tour in Bozen - Full meal
ALL FOOD IS INCLUDED! At least 4 stops (choice of food depends on season and availability): - Canapés with typical bacon and Bauernschinken - Typical dumplings with cheese and bacon or in broth or the delicious Spätzle - Laugenbrot or Brezen - Beer tasting at a historic brewery - Coffee and strudel What it's all about: - Great food - Great company with a local - Curiosities and anecdotes - Nice walk in the centre of Bolzano - Fun and smiles - New friends from all over the world What this is NOT: - A historical tour - Long boring speeches PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TOUR WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN/ENGLISH. CONTACT US FOR OTHER LANGUAGES CONTACT US FOR PRIVATE EXPERIENCES The Do Eat Better Experience tours are a mix of high quality gastronomy as a way to showcase Italian culture and lifestyle and a walking experience with a local friend. You will be guided by a "Foodie", a local friend who can explain every detail of the selected restaurants, their preparations and related curiosities. We only accept small groups because we want to focus on a genuine exchange and give each person as much attention as possible. You will have the opportunity to taste some of the delights of our beautiful city, discovering secret places that tourist guides do not even mention. An unique culinary experience!
Homemade pasta in Riva del Garda
The course will be held in my kitchen with the use of all the ingredents necessary to prepare the homemade pasta. You Will be alone attending the course or together with our people (It depends on the bookings received for the selectionned day); the course will last 2 hours. My IG profile cookingclass_rivadelgarda
Pizza & Prosecco, a Venice day trip
Start the morning learning to prepare the pizza dough. Work with professionally trained pizzaiolo, as the dough rests join your hosts for breakfast. Following breakfast try local produce such as fresh cheeses, cured meats and or a visit to the greenhouse. Now it's time to learn how to stretch a pizza! Make your own creation or let Massimiliano produce a seasonal special. Enjoy a freshly cooked gourmet pizza fresh from the oven paired with prosecco from local cantinas. *Add on prosecco tour from our DOCG prosecco neighbours or shorten the experience if lesson is less desired! Other things to note This is a great day trip from Venice. We are a quick train from Venice you can easily spend a few days in our neighbourhood. We're happy to help plan your itinerary. Children and large groups welcomed.